Johnson Controls acquires Hybrid Energy

We are happy and proud to informed that Johnson Control Inc. (JCI) has today acquired Hybrid Energy. It is a quality recognition for the Hybrid Energy patented technology platform for our high temperature heat pumps.

This will fit perfectly with the JCI product portfolio within refrigeration. It will strengthen our market reach and our service offering through the JCI network.

We are very excited of become a part of the JCI team.

Press release from Johnson Control

Press release from our former owner Nordic Technology Group (NTG):

Consequently, Hystorsys AS will be separated from Hybrid Energy but will remain part of NTG

Hybrid Energy and Tine presented together the energy system and results at the ATMOsphere Europe 2021 on the 28 of October

Below are key messages that were taken from our speakers on this first day:


“We had a big goal for this new plant – we wanted to reduce the energy by 40% but after two years running, we can say that we not only met, but went beyond the goal and ended up reducing the energy by 53%. We are very excited about seeing how this solution can reduce our energy in different plants.” Kim André Lovas, Energy Specialist, TINE Dairy